5 Reasons Wellness Social Clubs Are Innovating The Fitness Industry

The traditional big box gym has a ton of problems. 

For starters, it can get packed during peak times — there’s no way to reserve the equipment you want and no guarantee you’ll be able to do the workout you planned.

Next, it’s lonely. Exercising amidst a sea of people wearing headphones and staring at screens isn’t exactly the most energizing experience!

Finally, while gyms are usually cheaper than taking studio classes, the hidden fees and pricing shenanigans have been driving people crazy for years.

Thankfully, there might be a better way. 

Fitness and wellness social clubs all around the country — including our own The Fit Atlanta — are disrupting the fitness industry and helping people make wellness an enjoyable part of their lives rather than a chore.


Here are 5 quick reasons fitness social clubs are shaking up the fitness industry:

1. Social clubs offer workout variety

There’s a lot to be said for sticking with the same workout over time and getting better and better at it over the years.

But for most people, this approach leads to burnout, boredom, and ultimately bailing altogether!

When you join a fitness social club, you’ll get access to all kinds of different workout events and classes each month. Sometimes you’ll attend workouts you’re used to like yoga or HIIT classes; other times you’ll experience something totally new, like Fit Atlanta’s Pure Barre Empower event.

This is a great way to broaden your horizons, try new things, and keep your body on its toes all year round.

2. Social clubs make your social life healthier

There definitely comes a phase of adulthood where all social activities seem to revolve around copious alcohol and junk food.

If you want to have fun with your friends, chances are you’ll need to do it at a happy hour, brewery, or wine tasting.

When you join a wellness social club, you’ll swap those after-work drinks and apps for a refreshing fitness class or workshop with new friends. 

Sometimes you’ll grab a cocktail afterwards, but by then you will have really earned it!

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3. Wellness social clubs tackle more than just your fitness

When you join a social club like The Fit Atlanta, expect events and opportunities to address your entire well-being, not just your physical endurance.

You might attend a workshop on setting intentions, learn new meditation techniques, or take-in an inspiring keynote after a tough workout.

A good sweat is a great way to unwind from a stressful day, but taking care of your mental health is easily just as important. 

4. Meeting people at fitness social clubs is encouraged, not frowned upon

It’s called a social club because you’re supposed to get to know the other members.

You’ll make friends, form professional connections, and be exposed to interesting people from all different backgrounds.

At the gym? It’s bad form to interrupt someone during their workout and say “Hi”, and the best bet in the locker room is to avoid direct eye contact at all costs!

With a fitness and wellness social club, there’s time and space intentionally built into the events for members and guests to get to know each other.

5. You’ll stick with a social club longer than the gym

The research is crystal clear on this:

People who work out alone are more likely to quit, flake, or be inconsistent in their workouts.

Recruiting a real-life friend to be your gym buddy can be tricky with schedules, and if they’re not as motivated as you, they can drag you down with them!

Once you find your tribe at a wellness social club like The Fit Atlanta, you’ll see the same folks again and again at different events, form friendly competitions, and hold each other accountable over the long haul.

There’s nothing wrong with lone-wolfing it at the gym. It can be relatively inexpensive and extremely effective if you know what you’re doing. 

But if you’re looking to overhaul your lifestyle and make fitness fun and social again, look past the big box gyms and start exploring fitness social clubs in your area.

When Evan turned 30, he was finally ready to make a change and ditch the dad-bod. Today, he hasn’t missed a workout in 2 years and spends his time helping people get motivated and find consistency on their own fitness journeys. You can read more from Evan on his blog The Trusty Spotter.

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