WOW—you can read that again. Did you know you can choose to be strong and happy? It’s hard to believe that sometimes when we are comparing ourselves to others, succumbing to imposter syndrome, or even being confused on what our higher calling is.
To us, “empower” or “empowering” means feeling confident, secure, and helping others feel the same way. Feeling empowered is GOALS, right? We want you, us, everybody to feel empowered all the time—that’s the secret to truly making an impact in our lives and those around us. (Think about what feeling empowered means to you as you keep reading.)
That saying really speaks to us! It’s so true, you know? We partnered with Pure Barre Chastain Park to lead The Fit Atlanta community through a Pure Empower workout, followed by a mini-keynote by Kristin Oja, founder of STAT Wellness, who spoke about “Empowerment and Finding Your Why”—we’re sharing her tips and trick for how to fight imposter syndrome and empower your self to achieve below.
First, we need to share how good of a workout Pure Empower is! Sometimes there’s a misconception that barre isn’t a tough enough workout, or it’s “girly”. Ok… we’re putting a stop to that right now because Pure Empower by Pure Barre is NO JOKE.
You’re constantly moving and switching up the workouts (which is proven to stimulate your brain function) at a high-intensity but low-impact pace. Basically at Pure Empower, you’re going to rev up your metabolism, get a good muscle burn, and get smarter! Here for it. At The Fit Atlanta, we always suggest switching up your workings and trying new styles of training.
According to Psychology Today, “imposter syndrome” is a psychological term referring to a pattern of behavior where people doubt their accomplishments and have a persistent, often internalized fear of being exposed as a fraud.
And it can really crush our souls. Comparison is the ultimate empowerment-sucker. Below are mic-drop statements we’ve expanded on from our mini-keynote with Kristin Oja after Pure Empower. Take these words of wisdom and run with them!
Check our more pictures from our Pure Empower class with Pure Barre Chastain Park below, including partners Matachgi, Aillea, and Georgia Grinders.
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